Fashion Art with Robert Juliat
Fashion Art, a rental company based in Turkey, has turned to Robert Juliat for its lighting solutions. Fashion Art focuses mainly on fashion shows, parties, launches, and premieres to which it presents creative light and ... 
 Peavey Featured on Strummerville Stage at Glastonbury
At the 2011 Glastonbury Festival, Peavey provided an array of audio equipment for the unique Strummerville stage, a showcase celebration created to invoke the spirit of the late Joe Strummer by offering aspiring musicians ... 
 Community Plays a Major Role in WHYY's New Venue
Public broadcasting station WHYY has recently completed the construction of this new, high-tech media annex. The Dorrance H. Hamilton Public Media Commons is a unique venue, designed to educate the regional ... 
 Gateway Church Selects grandMA2 for Its Three Campuses
grandMA lighting consoles play prominent roles in all three of the Gateway Church campuses in Texas where they control a diverse lighting inventory for worship services and other events. A.C.T Lighting is the ... 
 TransAudio Group Moves to Accommodate Growth
High-end pro audio distributor TransAudio Group recently moved to a new, more expansive office space, virtually a stone's throw from its old facilities. The new TransAudio Group headquarters is located at 7340 Smoke Ranch Road, ... 
 Best Corporate A/V Project Awarded to Nautilus Entertainment Design at InfoComm 2011
Nautilus Entertainment Design (NED) is the recipient of the Best Corporate AV Project in the fourth annual PRO AV Spotlight Awards for its work on Qualcomm 25th Anniversary Museum. Pro AV and Architect ... 
 ETC Donates Technology to World's Largest Scenography Festival
Every four years, the Organisation Internationale des Scénographes, Techniciens et Architectes de Théâtre (OISTAT/ International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects, and Technicians) collaborates with the Prague ... 
 Robe at Ireland's 2011 Oxegen Festival
More than 100 Robe lighting units were used on the main stage plus many more around the site at the 2011 Oxegen Festival in County Kildare, Ireland. True to form, the skies opened and it pelted with rain throughout the ... 
 Synergy AVL Delivers Turnkey Outline Audio Solution for Pusat Insani in Brunei
To mark 80 years of presence in the Sultanate since the discovery of oil in 1929, the Brunei Shell Petroleum Company (BSP) unveiled plans in 2008 to build its largest community development in Brunei. The Pusat Insani ... 
 TiMax2 SoundHub Repeats Fela! Success in Lagos
There wasn't dry eye in the house at the Eko Le Meridien Hotel on Victoria Island in Lagos as Fela!, the groundbreaking stage musical about legendary Nigerian musician Fela Kuti, made its triumphant homeland debut ... 
 OSA Teams With MLA for Oprah's Surprise Spectacular Live Finale
On Stage Audio (OSA) recently put Martin Audio's MLA (Multicellular Loudspeaker Array) system to good use for Oprah's Surprise Spectacular, a live Oprah Winfrey farewell show taped at Chicago's United ... 
 Unusual Rigging Refurbishes Theatre in Kuwait Center for Autism
The first specialist centre for autism in the Near East, the Kuwait Center for Autism last year took the decision to refurbish its theatre, until then used solely for internal purposes, in order to host independent productions and ... 
 D.A.S. Audio the Driving Force Behind Justin Bieber's Jakarta Performance
Located some 12.5 miles from Jakarta, the Sentul International Convention Center (SICC) was recently the site of the Justin Bieber concert. Held on April 23 as part of the artist's My World Tour, Jakarta-based DSS ( 
 Lectrosonics Trampled, Kicked, Crushed and Still Going Strong
Outfitting the Professional Bull Riders, Inc. (PBR) performers with wireless microphone technology is a challenge routinely encountered by audio engineer Mark Harrier and his crew as they outfit not only the bull riders, ... 
 dbn Spaces Out at Jodrell Bank
Jodrell Bank Observatory is the site of the UK's iconic Lovell radio telescope, the third largest steerable radio telescope in the world. It is a majestic piece of engineering and architecture presiding over the first of a ... 
 Renkus-Heinz IC Live Captivates Hauptkirche St. Petri
Hamburg's oldest parish church, Hauptkirche St. Petri, founded in the 11th century, has been equipped with a state-of-the-art sound system designed and installed by COBRA Sound Light. The Hamburg based live event ... 
 Symetrix Zone Mix 760 Installed in Second Jerry Remy's Sports Bar and Grill
A beloved household name in Boston, Jerry Remy is a former Red Sox second baseman and the longstanding commentator for all of his former team's games. Last year, he partnered with the Cronin Group Restaurants to ... 
 Ten Thousand Things of Hong Kong to Distribute Green Hippo Products
Hong Kong based technical supply company Ten Thousand Things has become Green Hippo's latest distributor in its Asian market expansion. Ten Thousand Things has been newly created under the helm of Hong Kong's longstanding ... 
 Bormann Marketing To Rep Symetrix in Two Upper Midwest Territories
Symetrix, Inc., a provider of signal processing technology for the installed sound markets, has named Bormann Marketing, sales representative for Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, and western Wisconsin effective June 1 ... 
 Theatre in Review: Silence! The Musical (Theatre 80)
Sometimes, a star is hidden in plain sight, just waiting to be discovered. Consider the case of Jenn Harris. She's turned up in a number of well-received Off Broadway productions, and, I assume, has gotten her fair share of praise ... 