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Allen & Heath to Begin Eighth Semester of Award-Winning Mini Masterclass Series

Following their SCN (Systems Contractor News) Platinum Award for Best Online Training, Allen & Heath USA is announcing the eighth semester of their weekly Mini Masterclass series. The free 25-minute classes, held online every Wednesday, feature world-class instructors discussing various features and products within the Allen & Heath ecosystem. Created in November 2020 and now totaling over 70 weeks of sessions, the Mini Masterclass sessions continue to evolve and grow based on continual feedback from the engaged masterclass community.

Previous Mini Masterclass topics have ranged from basic signal flow to advanced dLive DEEP processing. Many classes are also dedicated to installation topics, such as the expanding AHM series of powerful matrix mixers. Each session is followed by a Q&A, giving users the chance to have their questions answered by the experts. This innovative format was honored this year with an SCN Stellar Service Award, noted as representing exceptional service and training by the readers of Systems Contractor News magazine.

"It has been amazing to watch the Mini Masterclass sessions grow and evolve over the last year and a half or so," notes Jeff Hawley, marketing director for Allen & Heath USA. "We continue to take feedback from students and present new topics that keep things fresh and reflect current trends and topics in the industry. We'd love to see you join us in future sessions!"

The new semester will begin this week on August 17, and will feature many anticipated classes on Custom Control, ME Personal Monitoring, Studio Integration, and more, the company says. Along with core instructors Mike Bangs and Samantha Potter, future sessions will also feature guest instructors from the industry and product marketing specialist Richard Starr.

To register, please visit www.allen-heath.com/events/.


(16 August 2022)

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