Live Events Coalitions Urges Industry Members to Fill Out Online Survey The Live Events Coalition, created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide advocacy, resources, and a network connecting and supporting the businesses, contractors, and workforce of the industry, has issued a survey; all events professionals are urged to take it. The more respondents, the more effectively the organization can help to address the industry's unique needs. According to founder Isaac Rothwell, thanks to a petition that garnered more than 475,000 signatures. "We are now being given a voice in the next round of CARES funding to provide more tailored aid to our industry. To help in the efforts, it's very important we have some current economic data on the impact COVID 19 is still having on our industry. "We, the live events industry, the people who make it all happen, have to be seen and let those in power know who we are, how far we reach, as well as how hard we have been hit by COVID-19 and the employment and economic impact we have to ensure they know our story as they put forth legislation. To power our advocacy work we need DATA -- we ask that you please complete this survey and share it with colleagues to complete as well. There is power in numbers so the more surveys completed the better. As they say, bad data in is bad data out and we must provide good and powerful data." The survey, which takes only a few minutes to fill out, can be found at the URL listed below. The link will be live until June 30. "Also," Rothwell, says, "it will be very important for us all to mobilize and advocate to our federal legislators over the next month as CARES 4 legislation will be being passed at the end of July. After the survey, please continue on and sign up to be on our mailing list so we can update you on pending legislation that will need our support and action to get adapted and passed." For more information about Live Events Coalition, go to