Rose Brand Contest Offers a Free Custom Main Stage Curtain Valued up to $10,000Rose Brand announces The Rags to Riches video contest, a nationwide casting call to find one lucky stage in desperate need of an upgrade. Contest entrants must create a video (under one minute in length), explaining why their stage is most deserving of a new curtain. Video submissions will be featured on the Rose Brand Pinterest page and Rose Brand Vimeo page. Rose Brand will judge the applicants based on a combination of creativity / entertainment value of the video, likes received on Pinterest/Vimeo, and organization need. Videos can be re-pinned and liked or shared on other social media sites for more exposure to potential voters. The video contest is open to US organizations within the 48 contiguous states and District of Columbia. Interested candidates can visit http://bit.ly/rb-VideoContest to view a brief video featuring additional instruction on how to enter and official contest rules. The deadline for video submissions is November 7, 2014. 
