Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) Announces BAM StrongBAM announces plans for BAM Strong, a unique reconfiguration connecting its locations at 651 Fulton Street (BAM Harvey Theater), 653 Fulton Street (a currently vacant site), and 230 Ashland Place (ground floor) to allow for institutional expansion and building improvements. This exciting project begins this month and continues over the next two summers. Completion is scheduled for September 2017. BAM chair Alan H. Fishman said, "The BAM Harvey Theater is a treasure. Surrounding the theater with a wonderful complex will enhance our service and commitment to our artists and audiences. It is equally a great northern anchor to the Brooklyn Cultural District." Outgoing BAM president Karen Brooks Hopkins said, "The BAM Strong will add a dynamic presence to the northern border of the Brooklyn Cultural District. In essence, this new construction combined with the BRIC House building next door will create a complete 'culture block,' animating the already exciting area around BAM. We honor and thank Brigitte Vosse, the generous BAM donors, and the City of New York for their support of this project." BAM Strong is made possible by a generous gift from BAM trustee Brigitte Vosse and is named for her family. The project is also receiving significant support from the City of New York through the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, New York City Council, and Office of the Borough President. BAM acknowledges major support from BAM trustee Beth Rudin DeWoody and the May & Samuel Rudin Family Foundation; BAM trustee Edgar A. Lampert and his wife, Robin Lampert; BAM trustee Jessica Smith and her husband Kevin Brine; the Robert W. Wilson Charitable Foundation; American Express Companies. The project is overseen by Mitchell ¦ Giurgola Architects, LLP. BAM Strong project details and timeline: * The installation of new Harvey Theater balcony seating (summer, 2015) * Construction of a structure (at 653 Fulton Street) between BAM sites at 651 Fulton St. and 230 Ashland Place (summer, 2016) * Construction of a visual art exhibition space in the complex (summer, 2016) * Construction of a terrace, atop the structure at 653 Fulton St., to feature art commissioned as part of the BAM Robert W. Wilson Public Art Initiative (summer, 2016) * Construction of an elevator to the Harvey Theater balcony; interior redesign of 651 Fulton St, featuring a 2nd floor patron lounge (summer, 2017) * A new canopy connecting the three Fulton Street-facing properties. The ground floor of 230 Ashland Place will feature a café/restaurant. The BAM Strong capital construction allows the institution to create an expanded and cohesive presence on Fulton Street. It fulfills the longstanding goal of enhancing the audience experience in the Harvey Theater -- with new balcony seating and an elevator to the balcony -- and focuses on BAM's expanding interest in dynamic public art and the establishment of permanent visual art exhibition space. 