Allen & Heath's dLive and ME Installed in Ecuadorian ChurchEcuador's Centro Cristiano de Guayaquil (CCG) recently installed an Allen & Heath dLive S Class mixing system and ME personal monitoring system as part of an upgrade to the church's audio equipment. The largest evangelical church in the city of Guayaquil, CCG hosts a variety of events including services, conferences, live music shows, and theatrical productions. It has a 3,800-capacity auditorium, with additional space for Christian education and children's ministries, and has grown to more than 7,000 in weekly attendance. Comprising a S5000 Surface and DM64 MixRack, the Dante-enabled dLive system is installed at front-of-house in the auditorium, and manages FOH, monitors, recording, and broadcast, along with a ME system, comprising a ME-U hub and 5 ME-1 mini mixers, to provide performers with personal monitoring facilities. "We needed a mixer that was compact yet powerful enough to manage all of the church's audio requirements -- FOH, monitors, multitrack recording, and broadcast -- and dLive was the perfect fit," explains audio manager, Julio Paredes Rosero. "dLive was selected due to its high number of inputs and outputs, buses, expansion capacity, connectivity, and integration with personal monitoring. It has a very friendly user interface, is easy to configure and above all has a great, defined sound." 