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Luis Torres Reflects Wide Range of Artists at Goldrush with CHAUVET Professional

Goldrush 2024 with CHAUVET Professional.

"Goldrush 2024 Brought Out All The Cards!" So declared one music critic when writing about the sixth edition of the first event in Arizona's fall festival season.

How true! For two days between 5:00pm and 2:00am, the Relentless Beats event highlighted almost every imaginable subset of EDM music on its stages, with big name acts like Alesso, Black Tiger Sex Machine, The Chainsmokers, Ganja White Night, San Holo, and Slander, as well as aspiring artists.

Held at the Phoenix Raceway, the festival not only flashed a full deck of talent, it also played all of its cards brilliantly, supporting every artist regardless of the level of fame, with a vibrant stage production.

This was breathtakingly evident at one of the main stages where lighting by Luis Torres of HiLite Designs, wove together a blend of intricately detailed subtle color combinations with dramatically powerful effects. Marked by vertical and horizontal geometric framing, the design was also ready, willing, and able to "go outside the box," with pulse-raising aerials and color washes that extended beyond the stage.

Designed to open a wide range of creative options to visiting lighting designers, Torres' design made it easy for them to engage the crowd with audience lighting. The Arizona-based LD was also careful to create a rig that lent itself to achieving a harmonious balance between lighting and an immersive 3D video background.

Torres, who designed a side stage in addition to the main stage, used a collection of CHAUVET Professional fixtures, supplied by Hardwired Productions at the festival. At the main stage he relied on 16 Color STRIKE Ms and an equal number of Maverick MK3 Wash fixtures, while at side stage he used 32 Rogue R3 Beams, 24 Nexus 4x4 panels, and 16 Rogue R2X Washes.

The Color STRIKE M units were flown on rows of vertical stage right and stage left truss structures. From this position, the versatile motorized wash-blinders filled a variety of roles, being used to frame the stage, animate performances with multi-colored side washes, and engage the crowd with audience lighting.

Arranged across the entire width of the stage deck, the Maverick moving fixtures were called upon to create dynamic areal effects. Working hand-in-hand with the Color STRIKE Ms, these fixtures were more than up to the task of supporting the "full deck" of diverse artists that gave the Goldrush Festival and its fans a winning hand.


(29 January 2025)

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