Thorburn Associates Celebrates 25 Years Designing Quality EnvironmentsThorburn Associates (TA) shares: "As we celebrate our 25th Anniversary we want to thank all of our clients, employees, and friends that helped us reach this great milestone!" Acoustic and lighting designs affect the senses and how someone feels within a space; audiovisual, structured cabling, and security designs are technology-oriented and require attention to detail as well as current knowledge of the industry and where it is headed. As an engineering firm made up of both sensologists and technologists Thorburn has worked on a variety of projects; over 2,600 in 25 years. "Our projects are located in a variety of market sectors," states Lisa Thorburn, president and co-founder of Thorburn Associates. "These include corporate, educational, industrial, worship, leisure, hospitality, mixed-use, retail, housing, municipal, and healthcare." Some of TA's most memorable projects include: - Sound isolation for a residential property on Lombard Street in San Francisco, dubbed the world's crookedest street. - Audio system design for the Night Lights Spectacular at Hershey Park in Hershey Pennsylvania, the first time a large loudspeaker array was hung vertically to help keep the noise for spilling over into the adjacent neighborhood. - Lighting design for Baron's Jewelers Legacy Showroom. - Room acoustics for the Smithsonian American History Flag Hall which contains the original Star Spangled Banner flag. - Video system design for the Madison County Courthouse, a historic Jeffersonian courtroom where TA also provided acoustic design that did not impact the historic nature of the space. - Vibration isolation for an MRI suite at the Santa Clara Kaiser Medical Office Building where TA also provided acoustic and technology consulting. - Distance Learning system design for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, school of pharmacy, which linked professors at UNC-CH with remote students at Elizabeth City State University. - Sound masking and public address system design for over a million square feet combination office/ manufacturing facility for Hewlett Packard in Cupertino, California. - Security system design for the Forsyth County Detention Center which had to remain operational throughout the complete renovation of the PLC door control system, the guard tour system, and the closed circuit television system. - Mechanical Noise Control for a new roof top HVAC system for the Ritz Plaza Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida. - Acoustical study for the Space Shuttle Blast Berm at Cape Canaveral, Florida. - Data telecom design for the Wilmington Convention Center in North Carolina where TA also provided acoustics and audiovisual system design for this LEED silver designed facility. Thorburn Associates works across a variety of market segments. "Part of the fun for us is taking what we know and learn from one market segment and applying it to others." states Steve Thorburn, principal and director of engineering. "Keep an eye out for other project highlights this year." "With five offices located across the United States, TA's longevity, and the work we've produced is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the people involved," said Lisa Thorburn. "We are still moving forward, forging a path that sets us apart. We are, at our roots, traditionalists with a good dose of our mid-west practical upbringing that demands high standards. Our engineers and staff are energetic and inject vitality and creativity to our projects. It's a wonderful mix that works beautifully." 