Acoustical Solutions' Reps Deliver Soundproofing Answers via Online VideoTechnical sales reps at Acoustical Solutions Inc. (ASI), a manufacturer of soundproofing and acoustical products, will give face time to online customers by answering common noise control questions through their YouTube channel. Soundproofing and acoustics are broad subject areas where treatment depends on the application, type of noise, and sound mitigation goals. For those new to noise control, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of information available and the sometimes clashing advice different resources offer. For more than 23 years, Technical sales representatives at Acoustical Solutions, Inc. have advised countless clients in person and over the phone, helping each customize a plan that effectively addresses specific noise control issues. "There are certain concepts relating to soundproofing that we always explain to new clients because there are many sources of misinformation out there," says Gary Hudson, ASI's new national sales manager. "We want to establish an online resource where our salespeople address these basic concepts just like they would in person and have it be a valuable tool to those who are brand new to noise control." ASI reps are now recording their answers to frequently asked questions and uploading them to the company's YouTube channel, AcousticalSolutions. The videos are part of a 'FAQ' playlist that will include explanations of common applications and approaches to noise control and help visitors understand the reasoning behind acoustical treatment. The playlist will include topics such as the difference between sound blocking and sound absorption, and how structure-borne and airborne sound must be treated separately. The videos, which are accessible through, YouTube, and, are also meant to serve as a valuable resource for those who prefer to shop online. "Many of our customers order our products through our website," says Hudson, "and we hope this playlist will create confident, informed soundproofers who know that the products they are purchasing will work for them." Customers can also leave comments requesting video answers to their noise control questions and even direct them toward a specific salesperson. "We are a small business that values our customers. I hope these videos will help online visitors learn our faces and names and encourage them to start a dialog with us," says Hudson.