4Wall Entertainment Invests in High End Systems SolaFrame 3000 LED Luminaires 4Wall Entertainment is continuing to provide customers with the latest in lighting technology by making a significant investment in the brand new High End Systems SolaFrame 3000 LED luminaire. 4Wall is building upon the success of the SolaFrame 750 LED moving light which was added nationwide earlier this year by investing in the 750's big brother which boasts more than a 37,000-lumen output. "Our customers expressed a great deal of interest in the 750 prior to purchasing them, and they proved to be an excellent addition to 4Wall's rental inventory," said vice president of M&A and product strategy Wes Bailey. "Adding a large format LED luminaire that can rival the most powerful arc lamp fixtures on the market was an easy decision to make." In addition to the high lumen output, the SolaFrame 3000 offers a total control framing system, seven position color wheel, and a CMY / CTO linear color mixing system. "I feel the new SolaFrame compliments 4Wall's large and diverse inventory quite well," said HES east coast regional sales manager Bobby Hale. "We are excited the 750 has been a great investment for them. We look forward to seeing the 3000 hit the market backed by 4Wall's promise to provide world class customer service and superior quality equipment to the industry." To request a rental quote for the High End Systems SolaFrame 3000, visit the URL below.