Rose Brand Elevates George Jacobstein to Chairman and Josh Jacobstein to PresidentWith the new titles in place, Josh Jacobstein formally assumes the leadership role on day-to-day operations. George Jacobstein remains active in the business, guiding long-term strategic activity and supporting the transition. George Jacobstein led Rose Brand operations for the last 44 years, growing the company into a production soft goods and hardware powerhouse. Under his leadership, Rose Brand initiated its foray into entertainment and event industry production fabrics, custom sewing, tape, digital printing, hardware, project management, and installation services. Together with Josh, he planned and executed the acquisition of Swag Décor (a full-service event decor company) and ADC (a manufacturer of automated curtain track products). They also founded digital printing company Printhead Studios, investing significantly in plant and equipment. Today, Rose Brand products and services reach into just about every venue in the country, whether it be an elementary school auditorium, a Broadway stage, or a massive arena, the company says. "Josh's new title acknowledges a gradual transition that's been taking place for the last few years. He has led much of our day-to-day operations brilliantly, and Rose Brand has thrived as a result. I couldn't be more confident about the prospects of our company under his guidance," says George Jacobstein. Josh Jacobstein says, "It helps when you've learned from the best in the business. That reference applies not only to George, our leader, but also to the amazing people that he has brought on board in every one of our departments. We have many exciting opportunities in front of us. I look forward to pursuing them with George and the talented people at our company." 