Three Draft ESTA Standards Available for Public Review Three new or revised standards are available for public review on the ESTA Technical Standards Program website at Anyone materially affected by the documents is invited to review them and to offer comments before the deadline. The review documents are available for free. They are listed below in order of action due-date. Note that the reviews do not all end on the same day. BSR E1.62, Minimum Specifications for Mass-Produced Portable Platforms, Ramps, Stairs, and Choral Risers for Live Performance Events, is being offered for a fourth public review. The proposed standard covers mass-produced portable platforms, stair units and ramps used with those platforms, and choral risers, designed to be used for the presentation of music concerts, dramatic plays, fashion shows, and other entertainment and special events. The units covered by this standard are of a size and weight that allows them to be moved and erected by one or two people. The scope also covers the railings provided as fall protection accessories, and the legging systems. The public review runs through September 23; by the start of September 24 the review is finished. BSR E1.4-3, Entertainment Technology -- Manually Operated Hoist Rigging Systems, is a standard for permanently installed, human-powered manually operated hoists, used as part of rigging systems for raising, lowering, and suspension of scenery, properties, lighting, and similar loads. This standard establishes requirements for the design, manufacture, installation, inspection, and maintenance of manual hoist systems for lifting and suspension of loads for performance, presentation, and theatrical production. The public review runs through October 7. It is finished when October 8 starts. BSR E1.21, Entertainment Technology -- Temporary Structures Used for Technical Production of Outdoor Entertainment Events, is a revision of ANSI E1.21-2013 to deepen the requirements for operations management plans, designated person responsibilities, and related requirements. E1.21 establishes a minimum acceptable level of design and performance parameters to ensure structural reliability, safety, and to establish a reasonable standard of care for temporary special event structures. The public review runs through October 28. It is over when October 29 starts.