Leprecon Introduces Watson Power Management for Electronic FixturesFirst introduced at LDI2012 and now shipping, "Watson" power management from Leprecon is a new solution for delivering AC power and DMX data to your electronic fixtures. The company notes with the increased use of LED and automated fixtures for theatrical and entertainment lighting, new techniques for delivering data and power to the fixtures are needed now more than ever. Using one DMX control channel or simply sensing DMX data, Watson turns fixtures off when they are not in use; saving power, extending fixture life, and isolating expensive electronics from power line glitches. An additional isolated DMX output adds extra DMX capacity, and adds a firewall between fixtures and the rest of the control system. The programmable LED display is used for setting the mode and time delay for power on/off for each Watson unit. Watson uses a 15A breaker magnetic breaker and PowerCon power inlet connector and is available with single Duplex or PowerCon load connector, 6-Duplex out, or 6-Duplex out in a raceway style configuration. An option for built-in W-DMX wireless DMX receiver is available on all models.