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PixelFLEX Creates a Captivating Trade Show Experience for Novartis

Novartis trade show booth at the American Heart Associaation Scientific Sessions

Attracting nearly 18,000 attendees from more than 100 countries, the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions is the premier opportunity for medical professionals to come together to share ideas on how to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular disease and stroke. As a leader in the global healthcare field, Switzerland-based Novartis was looking to make a dynamic statement at the event through a colorful digital media and interactive trade show display. Wanting LED video to play a prominent role in the booth design, Novartis turned to Milan-based WorldWide Events and Vancouver-based Xibita to help them create a truly memorable digital media showcase using 13 different LED video design elements from PixelFLEX.

"We are the preferred supplier in North America for WorldWide Events who was retained by Novartis to create the AHA Scientific Sessions trade show display," began Hanif Muljiani, president, Xibita. "When we all got together to speak about the design concept, they wanted a design that was open, friendly, and natural, with warm tones and much more color than you would normally see in a typical pharmaceutical booth. They also wanted to feature LED video technology so that the graphic messaging could be changed very quickly, and while we typically do one video wall in a trade show design, this one was quite an immersive experience and the PixelFLEX technology really allowed us to make the design quite unique."

As the design team began the process of selecting a LED video provider, they knew it would be a challenge to find all the elements needed to bring the complete design together. With so many LED video surfaces planned in the design, they needed a supplier with a breadth of innovative inventory plus the technical support to match. Off the recommendation of a colleague, the company says it found both qualities in Nashville-based PixelFLEX.

"One of our biggest challenges was trying to find a company that could provide all of the LED video elements needed within our budget and timeframe," continued Muljiani. "We only had about eight weeks to build the display and with that much technology, it definitely required everyone to work together to make it happen. For the technology, we needed a small pixel pitch and high resolution for the elements that would be viewed close-up, plus we needed video elements capable of working with the curved structures to create the archway that would be a focal point in the design. PixelFLEX has a significant amount of innovative inventory and they really helped us bring the whole project together."

With PixelFLEX now on board, the design began to take shape and as they identified the ideal LED technologies needed for the design, the final concept included FLEXLite and FLEXLite Plus 3.9mm LED, and FLEXTour 2.8mm LED video technology.

"In the final design, we ended up flying all the LED video elements except for the curved arch structure and it really helped when PixelFLEX worked directly with Freeman to assess how we would support the structures in the booth," added Muljiani. "We had five days at the show to build the complete installation and this was the first time we would actually put the entire system together. We live in a technology environment where things are inevitably going to be a challenge and to have an organization like PixelFLEX that you can count on to be adaptive and reliable is a tremendous advantage."

Now that the LED video elements were all in place, it was time to program the content for the show so the design could finally come to life. Without having the opportunity to complete a full-scale mock-up prior to the opening of the show, Muljiani was excited to see the finished design for the first time.

"For the content, WorldWide Events worked with Novartis to create dynamic graphics along with presentation text and messaging to convey the attributes of the Novartis products," explained Muljiani. "Driven by the mandate to attract attendees from all over the trade show floor, the finished design was very bright and colorful, and it looked absolutely beautiful."

With their work now complete, the AHA Scientific Sessions opened the doors to the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. Eager to see the reaction of the show attendees, Muljiani took a moment to stand back and take it all in, knowing that they had not only met, but surpassed all expectations for the Novartis trade show design.

"The day the show opened, my account manager and I stood back to look at the design and it was unbelievable," concluded Muljiani. "Together we walked the show floor and from every angle the technology blended with the structures and balanced itself very well with the overall design. Technology should fit into the overall booth environment and not take it over, and that's exactly what the PixelFLEX technology did. With the choice of colors and patterns along with the choices in pixel pitch and resolution, the entire design worked together as one cohesive display making it an exciting and visually captivating experience."

To find out more about the Novartis trade show display at the AHA Scientific Sessions, visit http://pixelflexled.com/portfolio-item/novartis-aha-tradeshow/.


(31 January 2017)

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