"Pop Up" Recruiting at LDIURTA announces a new stop on its annual MFA interview tour. A "Pop Up" recruiting event will be held at LDI Show in Las Vegas on Sunday, November 24th. The one day event will follow the "URTAs" model: Candidates present a portfolio for review by faculty recruiters, with 15-minute interviews scheduled through the morning and afternoon. University programs will be recruiting in the areas of lighting design, sound design, projection/media, and technical direction. All candidates who register through URTA will receive a code for a free floor pass to the LDI Show. URTA has worked with LDI to create a "training track" for attendees of the show; candidates taking part in the Pop-Up URTAs are encouraged to also attend a Saturday morning guided tour of the show floor, a portfolio review session on Saturday afternoon, and a continuing education session on Sunday morning, sponsored by a grant from lighting and rigging technology company ETC. As with the traditional URTAs, candidates will not need to apply to schools in advance, and will have the opportunity to become familiar with a wide range of programs from across the country, all in one place, on a single day. The URTA Auditions and Interviews, widely known as "the URTAs," have been presented by the University Resident Theatre Association for 50 years. For the last five years, recruiting in design and technology has taken place only at the URTAs in Chicago. The addition of the Pop-Up event provides another opportunity for potential MFA candidates to participate in the URTAs and pursue professional training at some of the top programs in theatrical and entertainment design. "Our programs are excited to discover new candidates in Las Vegas, in particular those interested in the wider field of entertainment and event design," says URTA executive director, Tony Hagopian. URTA members undergo a peer review assessment and offer various forms of financial assistance which may include tuition remission, scholarships, financial aid, paid assistantships, stipends, or a combination of these. URTA Candidate Awards offer free registration to all candidates in the area of sound design, as well as free entry to all continuing education programming. Candidates may register through Acceptd at: https://app.getacceptd.com/urta. Registration is open now. Participation is free for URTA member institutions. Candidate registration is $100, which includes a free LDI Floor Pass. 