Straight No Chaser Uses NEXO Rig at the Fox Theatre in St. LouisLogic Systems Sound & Lighting, Inc. of Valley Park, Missouri, recently provided a NEXO GEO S12 rig to the historic Fox Theatre in St. Louis for a Straight No Chaser concert. On the road, Straight No Chaser has built a reputation as an unforgettable live act. Now supporting their SNClive tour, the 10-member a cappella ensemble's tour will continue into summer 2013. Logic Systems audio department manager, Brian Bird and systems engineer, Pat Murphy outfitted the 5,060-seat Fox with 20 NEXO GEO S1210s, four NEXO GEO S1230s, six NEXO RS18s, eight NEXO PS8s, and eight NEXO 4x4 NXAMPs. The band is also carrying a pair of Yamaha M7CL digital consoles for mixing duties on the tour. "The Fox Theatre is a difficult space to cover from a single array position," states Bird. "The large balcony and overhang make it tricky to cover the entire balcony, while still having a direct line of sight to the front of house mix position which is at the rear of the floor level and deep under the balcony. To accomplish the task at hand, a low hang with a 14-degree vertical angle seemed to work best. This angle is hard to achieve with many boxes on the market today, however, we are able to do so with the GEO S12." Bird said the layout for the NEXO system they chose modeled extremely well in the NEXO NS-1 software. "In my experience, the software is spot on, if you take the time to build the model properly. For a lower SPL show like this, the clarity of the GEO S12 fit the Straight No Chaser concert perfectly, and was the best choice. We work in this venue regularly and typically use our NEXO GEO T rig, but in this case, the S12 was definitely a better fit." 