Sponsors Announced for 2020 New World Rigging Symposium - Only One Sponsorship Still Available ESTA and USITT announce the sponsors for the 2020 New World Rigging Symposium taking place March 31 - April 1st in Houston, Texas in conjunction with the USITT Conference and Stage Expo. Just one sponsorship opportunity is still available. Returning as the platinum sponsor for the third year is Stage Rigging, Inc. a diversified theatrical rigging company that provides a full range of specialized rigging services on a global basis for tours, corporate and special events, and expositions. Chris Schmidt, vice president and general manager of Stage Rigging, comments, "When I started my career in rigging, little did I know that by working for Stage Rigging, one of the first to focus only on arena rigging, I had access to the some of the industry's most respected and innovative professionals to bounce ideas and ask some of the most basic questions. The New World Rigging Symposium is the perfect place for both seasoned riggers and those interested in rigging to do the same. This is a great place to network and have access to the rigging industry's top talent. And please...Don't be afraid to ask!" Returning gold sponsors are ETC, offering a range of hoists and controls to accommodate the needs of any production space and budget, and J.R. Clancy, providing professional riggings solutions worldwide on thousands of venues since 1885. Certex USA joins returning silver sponsors Geiger Engineers and Kish Rigging. To the Moon Rigging joins returning bronze sponsors CM-ET, H&H Specialties, The Light Source, Motion Labs, Prolyte, Reed Rigging, and Texas Scenic Company. One silver sponsorship at $5,000 is still available. The New World Rigging Symposium conveys the sponsor's message to a highly targeted audience of top riggers, engineers, safety professionals, venue managers, and others. It demonstrates the sponsor's support for bringing the rigging community together to learn, network, discuss current issues, and new technologies, and help shape the future of the industry. Visit www.esta.org/nwrs_sponsorships to learn more. Please email riggingsymposium@esta.org to be notified when registration for the symposium opens. 