AES Announces Student Design CompetitionAspiring student engineers from around the globe will vie for the opportunity to jumpstart their careers at the Audio Engineering Society's (AES) 133rd Convention at San Francisco's Moscone Center, Oct. 26-29. A blue-ribbon panel of pro audio manufacturers, product designers, and end-users will review innovative Student Design Competition hardware and software designs in search of the most audacious, innovative, and useful new product ideas. "Student new product entries have always been integral components of AES Conventions, reports committee education co-chair John Krivit. "We are making a special effort this year to raise the bar. The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2012. Students will have the entire summer to conceive, develop, and refine their dream products. Prizes will be awarded at the AES Convention on October 28. Students must attend the Convention to be considered for the finals." All students will have the opportunity to display their projects at the convention's tabletop exhibition. Entrants must register as students for the full convention technical program, but AES membership is not required for entry submission. For a complete list of AES Student Design Competition rules and deadlines visit the URL below. For additional questions regarding the competition please contact: Colin Pfund at With over 14,000 members worldwide, the AES is the largest international group of audio professionals. The advancement of professional audio education is a continuing AES focus.