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W-DMX Offered New Gear and Seminar at PLASA Focus: Leeds

Wireless Solution Sweden AB exhibited at PLASA Focus: Leeds, April 17-18, 2012 with new products and some innovative advancements to their W-DMX product range. The show was held at the Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds, UK.

In addition to demonstrating their new product advancements, Wireless Solution also offered a seminar covering "Wireless Controls with RDM and Ethernet Advantages." The seminar was hosted by Ben Darrington and was beneficial for lighting operators, lighting designers, installers, rental, and stage managers.

W-DMX makes it possible to deliver the most reliable wireless DMX signal available in some of the most challenging applications conceived, according to the company. W-DMX has withstood the heat of the Middle East to the below freezing conditions of Scandinavia. The product range offers IP-65 rated units capable of withstanding the toughest elements and now has new improvements.

The company has been working on a completely new software platform since October 2011 that is prepared for future hardware functions as well as many new features and updated functions. The W-DMX G4S software platform includes:

• A much improved adaptive frequency hopping algorithm that improves the plug and play use in crowded radio spectrum situations and better avoids interference from Wi-Fi, DECT phones, intercom, and more.
• A new Invisi-Wire MK2 with support for wireless software updates, which in the future will make it possible to perform wireless software updates to all your receivers, with an easy connection to your transmitters with all receivers updated at the same time.
• Data-Safe MK2 is much improved that now supports up to four times redundancy of all the wireless data with a new watchdog function that ensures all receivers will have the highest fidelity.
• RDM MK2 -- new software with custom made features for W-DMX as well as all standard RDM commands. Fast discovery and support up to 128 RDM responders and more.
• W-DMX G4S is a completely new platform with the lowest latency in the market under five-ms, available for a software update on all existing Micro F-1, BlackBox, WhiteBox, and ProBox units already shipped via the USB Dongle. The new software is patent protected in Europe as well United States. On display will also be the W-DMX BlackBox MK2 and the popular ProBox F-2500, both offering incredible flexibility for a variety of uses.

Niclas Arvidsson, CEO of Wireless Solution says, "We were very excited to show these advancements and new product offerings in Leeds. Wireless Solution has had many years of success in a variety of markets and it's rewarding to know that W-DMX made them happen. Users were impressed with our new improvements."


(19 April 2012)

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