ACN-Related Standard Posted for Public ReviewBSR E1.30-11, EPI 33 -- ACN Root Layer Protocol Operation on TCP, has been posted for public review at http://plasa.me/4xvjf. The draft standard may be downloaded at no cost. The review runs through September 15, and is over when September 16, 2014 starts. BSR E1.30-11 is a Profile for Interoperability (EPI) to be used with ANSI E1.17, which is commonly called "ACN" for Architecture for Control Networks. EPIs related to ANSI E1.17 specify how conforming implementations are to operate in particular environments or situations in order to guarantee interoperability. This part of E1.30, EPI 33, is an interoperability profile that specifies the operation and formats for the ACN Root Layer Protocol operating on TCP. For more information, please contact: Karl G. Ruling, PLASA technical standards manager 630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 609 New York, NY 10036 USA 1-212-244-1505