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Behind the Scenes is Seeking Designers for 2022 Holiday Cards

If you are interested in designing a card, Behind the Scenes will need your commitment no later than May 15 and your artwork by June 15.

Behind the Scenes holiday cards make a real difference -- and you can too! The cards have become a tradition in the industry for those who want to spread holiday cheer while supporting their colleagues in need. Proceeds from card sales help provide grants to entertainment technology professionals, or their immediate dependent family members, who are seriously ill or injured, and support the charity's Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Initiative.

Each year designs have been created and donated to the charity by everyone from Tony Award winners to high school students. The design guidelines (btshelp.org/carddesign) are very simple and you can also view previous examples (btshelp.org/cardexamples).

If you are interested in designing a card, Behind the Scenes will need your commitment no later than May 15 and your artwork by June 15. Please contact Lori Rubinstein at info@btshelp.org or 212-244-1421.


(27 April 2022)

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