Luces y Sistemas New Obsidian Control Systems Distributor in Costa RicaObsidian Control Systems announces that Luces y Sistemas has been named the exclusive distributor of Obsidian Control Systems products in Costa Rica. Under terms of the agreement, Luces y Sistemas will provide full support for the entire Obsidian line of hardware and software lighting control solutions. "Our goal is to provide our regional market with a diverse range of popular control and programming products under the DMX protocol, a project that we have been working on for years," states president of Luces y Sistemas, Luis Ricardo Sanchéz. "The decision to support our clients by distributing Obsidian Control Systems allows us to fulfill that goal." With over 30 years of experience in the lighting industry, Luces y Sistemas will support the Obsidian control line with inventory and customer support with an express commitment to grow the number of Obsidian users across Costa Rica. "The opportunities that we provide to our clients are a reflection and consequence of the win-win relationship between supplier, local distributor and end user," Sanchéz states. "Not only do we provide knowledge and training, adequate technical support and availability of parts, we provide facilities so that our users can ascend to better, newer and more sophisticated controllers." Luces y Sistemas will be holding a two-day ONYX training event August 20 -- 21 at the Luces y Sistemas facility in Tibas, near San José. Designed to provide both a basic and advanced look at hardware and software, interested professionals can contact for more information. "Obsidian controllers are already recognized by lighting system programmers as an extremely friendly and easy-to-use tool with a very high level of reliability," states Luces y Sistemas general manager Carlos Vargas, who works the front lines on many projects and was pivotal in bringing Obsidian distribution to the company. "Because they are so simple to operate and versatile to use and program, Obsidian controllers will be our reference for different applications from a basic installation in a bar to a more complex install in a theater or discotheque to a professional application like a large-scale tour. Of course, it also has benefits in other niche markets, such as TV and architectural applications. Our commitment is absolute. Obsidian Control Systems will be our first option when solving control and programming needs in DMX protocol." ONYX is a powerful yet easy-to-learn lighting control platform designed for both hardware consoles and PC systems. It is a rebranding of the well-established M-Series control platform and is designed for use with all new ONYX and existing M-Series hardware. Download a free version at Obsidian Control Systems products are distributed exclusively by Elation Professional worldwide and are available in various sizes to accommodate any scale and budget. To date, Obsidian products available under the ONYX lighting control platform include the powerful NX 4 lighting controller with new DYLOS pixel composer, the compact NX 2, the portable NX Wing, and the NX DMX node for ONYX. More information on Obsidian Control Systems and the ONYX platform can be found at 