Gabisom Supports Aerosmith in Brazil With Martin AudioAerosmith recently completed several dates of their Rock 'n' Roll Rumble tour in Brazil with a Martin Audio MLA system provided by Gabisom Audio Equipment of Sao Paulo. The two shows included the Estádio Beira-Rio, a large football stadium beside the Gualba River in Porto Alegre with a capacity of over 50,000, as well as the Classic Hall in Olinda Recife, Brazil. For the stadium show, the Gabisom crew set up 13 MLA cabinets and one MLD per side for the main PA along with 11 MLA plus one MLD per side for the outfills and 12 MLX subs a side ground-stacked in front of the stage. The setup for the Classic Hall indoor theater venue included 13 MLA and one MLD a side with six MLX subs a side. DiGiCo SD7 consoles were used for front-of-house and monitors at both shows, along with Lake LM44 processing. Gabisom crew for the shows was comprised of system engineer Eder Moura along with system techs Rubens Rocha Da Silva, Paulo Roberto Chicone, Joao Paulo Araripe, Gelson Pedroso, and Diego Barbosa. Asked why Gabisom used Martin Audio MLA for the Aerosmith shows, Moura said, "MLA was specified because of its incredible audio quality and smooth, even coverage that's consistent for every seat in the house, no matter what type of room." "That plus MLA is super easy to rig in and out and has amazing control via the VU-NET network and Display 2.2 software that really cuts down on setup time and keeps the sound where we want it. I wish we could use MLA for every show." 