Rose Brand Inc. Posts Blog Article on How to Clean Curtains, Cycs, and NettingsEnd users often wonder how to clean their curtains, cycs, and nettings. Now, Rose Brand has created a blog article at to instruct them. The article describes how cleaning is important to maintain the look of soft goods products, but also to maintain their flame retardancy characteristics. When dealing with natural fiber fabrics (cotton, cotton/poly blends, linen, jute, silk) dry cleaning is a good option since it will help preserve the flame resistant qualities of treated fabric. However, the effectiveness of the flame retardant chemical may diminish with each session of dry cleaning. Using the standard match field test from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 705), described in the blog, test the fabric before and after the dry cleaning to gauge any change in flame resistance. If the flame resistance is no longer effective, retreat the fabric with a flame retardant chemical solution spray such as those that can be found at Cleaning synthetic velour draperies requires a slightly different approach. Since synthetics carry an electromagnetic charge (static), which serves as a dust magnet, they tend to get even dustier than natural fiber drapes. Vacuuming is a good option for synthetics. But a viable, often easier alternate method is to "blow" off the curtains using pressurized air from an air compressor hose. If neither of these methods work for the user, the blog suggests sweeping down the drapes, front and back. Make sure to use a clean broom, one that's used only for sweeping the drapes. If the drapes are used periodically, then the user should clean them at least once a year in order to get the dust out. Those interested in learning more about cleaning curtains, cycs, and nettings should go to the URL below.