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PLASA London Up 10% Over Last Year on Visitor Pre-Registrations -- Free Registration Open Through Tuesday

PLASA London delivered its largest-ever visitor promotion campaign over the last three days, generating almost 3,000 new registrations, and setting a record for registrations.

Commenting on the positive news, director of events Christopher Toulmin says "PLASA London continues to prove its relevance as demonstrated by the phenomenal take up over the last three days. PLASA London is a must attend event for the live entertainment technology industries. The show is in great shape and on track to grow in both floor space and visitor numbers in 2014."

To celebrate the positive news, PLASA London has extended free registration (saving each visitor £20) for another 24 hours, closing at the end of Tuesday, July 29.

URL to register for free is noted below.


(28 July 2014)

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