Outline GTP Line Array Loudspeaker System Installed in Missouri's James River AssemblyThe James River Assembly of Ozark, Missouri, recently upgraded its aging sound system with Outline's GTO line array loudspeaker cabinets as the sonic centerpiece. The new system, designed and installed by Special Event Services (SES), provided the clarity and punch necessary for sermons, a contemporary house band, and concerts. The church seats approximately 3,400 congregants and according to the company, everyone from the pastor to those sitting in the back row can feel the power of the word through the GTO cabinets. "We needed to put in a system that conveyed the spoken word throughout the auditorium, as well as have enough horsepower to present the music in an effective way," says Jason Farah, vice president of SES. "The church members charged with the upgrade were very diligent about listening to various top-shelf systems to evaluate the sound characteristics and quality. The staff even went around the country listening to many systems. In the end, the Outline GTO simply outperformed the other systems, providing the 'wow factor' necessary for the final decision." The GTO system is comprised of two main left/right arrays, each with six GTO cabinets and one GTO down-fill speaker at the bottom of the array. The subwoofers are Outline Lab 21 HS, employing 21" bass speakers. The seating area in the main room is in a 280-degree arc to center stage. Because the platform is so big, the subwoofers are lined up stage center behind the scenic pieces on the stage floor as a sub arc delay system. This ensures that all areas of the room enjoy equal bass coverage. The extreme right and left sides are covered with Outline Doppia II speakers. The GTO series of line array speakers, which offer a unique combination of high-power output in a compact and relatively lightweight cabinet, feature Outline's patented butterfly design. The cabinets deliver clear, non-colored, high-SPL audio capable of bringing listening environment quality to the live event experience. "We all agreed that the time had come to upgrade our sound system to meet our evolving style of presentation and worship," says Stephen Maddox, audio director for James River Assembly. "Our lead pastor, John Lindell, had a vision about how the new system should sound, and after listening to many systems here and in other parts of the country, SES brought in the GTO. The GTO speakers were superbly clear and present without being overbearing. We just loved how it worked, how it sounded, and how it responded. The system is very deep but at the same time warm and inviting. This system truly brings us into the future." 