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First US Dirty Rigger Dealer Announced

Dirty Rigger gloves and accessories, part of the UK-based Le Mark Group, are now available for the first time in the US. The products were first seen at LDI last fall.

Minneapolis based Monkey Wrench Productions has taken stock of the entire DR range, including the brand new Kevlar Protector glove and compact tool pouch.

Matt Every, Dirty Rigger's export manager, says, "I couldn't be happier to announce Monkey Wrench as the first US stockist for Dirty Rigger. There's been so much interest in the USA from individuals and businesses, it's great to now have somewhere to direct them. The DR range is produced using some of the most innovative materials in the world, designed from scratch by a team who use gloves and tool pouches day after day. With the new items expected for release in 2012, the USA rigging world really has something to get excited about."


(23 January 2012)

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