L-Acoustics Product Videos Now AvailableL-Acoustics announces two L-Acoustics videos are now available online, "ARCS Wide and ARCS Focus" and "Constant Curvature Line Sources." In the "Constant Curvature" video, Scott Sugden, head of application,touring for the US, gives a short presentation on the physical principles and acoustic properties of L-Acoustics WST constant curvature line sources and how they can be exploited in a variety of applications. In the "ARCS Wide and ARCS Focus" video, Sugden presents the ARCS Wide and ARCS Focus constant curvature line sources. He reviews the main features of both enclosures and the associated SB18m subwoofer, as well as discussing the system deployments, rigging options, amplification, DSP, and software control. Both of these videos are available through the URL below. Six language subtitles options are available in English, French, Germany, Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish. 