Twin Jubilee Auditoriums Now Home to Canada's First Installs of Meyer Sound LYONTwo nearly identical venues have become the first theatres in Canada to be equipped with the Meyer Sound LYON linear sound reinforcement systems: Edmonton's Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium (NAJA) and Calgary's Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium (SAJA). Both long-time Meyer Sound users since 1983, the 2,538-seat auditoriums selected LYON as they looked to upgrade from their trusty M2D line array loudspeakers, a decision made jointly by Mark Belkie and Paul Schmitz, technical coordinators for audio at SAJA and NAJA, respectively. "In our extensive listening and assessment process, LYON set the benchmark that all other competing loudspeakers had to meet or exceed, and none could do so," reports Belkie. "We've found that LYON is a significant step forward in terms of clean and effortless SPL, giving us systems that can easily handle the requirements of anyone coming into our venue, including aggressive rock acts." Schmitz cites LYON's balanced and linear response. "The high frequencies are smooth, and throw clearly to the back of the second balcony," he adds. "Also, the midrange response is outstanding. On first listen we were immediately impressed with the quality of the vocal range, and the snares, toms, and guitar tones sound fuller and more realistic." The upgrade for both auditoriums included 22 LYON-M main line array loudspeakers and six 1100-LFC low-frequency control elements. Six-each MINA and M'elodie line array loudspeakers were installed as center downfill clusters in SAJA and NAJA, respectively. For system drive and optimization, two Galileo Callisto 616 array processors were added to each theatre's existing Galileo loudspeaker management systems. The systems were supplied by Allstar Show Industries of Calgary and Edmonton, with integration and installation by technical staff at the respective auditoriums. "LYON has an exceptionally flat phase response and integrates beautifully with the existing Meyer Sound loudspeakers that remain in our systems," notes Belkie. Other Meyer Sound loudspeakers deployed at the auditoriums include UPQ-1P and M1D line array loudspeakers and 700-HP subwoofers, in addition to MJF-210, MJF-212A, UM-100P, and UM-1P stage monitors. SAJA also uses CQ-1, UPJ-1P VariO, and UPM-1P loudspeakers, while NAJA uses M3D-Sub directional subwoofers. Both locations also have a SIM 3 audio analyzer permanently in-house. SAJA is notable as the world's first purchaser of a Meyer Sound SIM analyzer, placing its order in 1986. Built in 1955, the Alberta Jubilee Auditoriums are owned and operated by the provincial government, and host a wide range of performing arts, cultural, community, and corporate events. Since installation, LYON has supported performances by Boz Scaggs, Gordon Lightfoot, Sarah McLachlan, the Alberta Ballet, and the Calgary and Edmonton Operas. 