ANSI Approves E1.39, Fall Arrest on Portable StructuresANSI's Board of Standards Review approved E1.39 on January 28. It was published the same day. ANSI E1.39 - 2015, Entertainment Technology - Selection and Use of Personal Fall Arrest Systems on Portable Structures Used in the Entertainment Industry, is now available for free download at http://tsp.plasa.org/freestandards. The free download is made possible by the sponsorship of ProSight Specialty Insurance. ANSI E1.39 establishes minimum requirements for the selection and use of personal fall arrest systems on portable structures in the entertainment industry. The standard establishes minimum requirements for products and portable structures used in the service of personal fall arrest systems. Other methods of fall protection, such as safety nets and guard rails, are not within the scope of this standard. For more information, please contact: Karl G. Ruling, technical standards manager, PLASA, 630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 609, New York, NY 10036, or karl.ruling@plasa.org. 
