Join RC4 Wireless for USITT Presents: in Los Angeles and HoustonRC4 Wireless is participating in USITT's upcoming educational series. The session "Wireless Dimming & DMX in Practice" will be held in Los Angeles on November 20 and Houston on November 25. RC4 Wireless is planning a comprehensive wireless DMX and dimming educational program for attendees. In one six-hour seminar, James David Smith and Sean Dane will discuss what wireless DMX, dimming, and motion are; the principals involved in wireless radio transmission; where and when wireless should be used and when it should not; how to select and maintain batteries; what type of low-voltage lamps are available; and how to select the proper lamp and load, along with much more. The morning will be spent discussing in depth the theories involved in these technologies then the afternoon will be spent working with multiple wireless setups from different vendors. Attendees will learn hands on from an experienced team of a wireless system designer and practical experience as a prop master. More information is at the URL below.