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AES Show Fall 2020 Convention Early Bird Registration Ends August 31

Early bird registration options and pricing are available through August 31 for the 149th International AES Convention, featuring an expanded timeline and event offerings for maximum opportunities to "Listen, Learn, and Connect" with audio peers and pros from around the world. AES show fall 2020 Convention registration, including four full weeks of live and streaming tech program content, live Q&A's, networking, and more, is just $99 for AES members and $224 for non-members -- the latter including one year of AES membership and benefits -- through the end of August. AES student members receive a further discount, taking registration down to only $49 for the entire month of programming. Visit www.AESShow.com to find out more and register now!

This year's new AES Show expanded format will feature a variety of themed programming each week: Audio Engineering Month week one opens with pre-convention events including special panels and interviews, TechTours episode 1 and, on October 6, a Zoom and podcast audio webinar; Wweek two continues in pre-convention events with special events panels and interviews, TechTours episode 2 and, on Tuesday, October 13, an optional AoIP Summit; week three hosts the AES Show Showcase of gear and services from top brands in the industry, along with student week, featuring education-enhancing activities including workshops, recording critique sessions, recording and design competitions, the career and education fair, mentoring sessions, and more. The final week of Audio Engineering month will feature the AES Show technical program and marquee event with Imogen Heap, Heyser lecture, special panels, and TechTours episodes 4 - 7. A host of Audio Engineering month content will be available on-demand, letting registrants view sessions at their own convenience. Scheduled sessions will join the on-demand menus following initial streaming.

Learn more and take advantage of early bird registration rates by Monday, August 31, at www.AESShow.com.

Early bird registration ends Monday, August 31, for the AES Show fall 2020 Convention.


(31 August 2020)

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