PLASA Focus Proves a Success in BaltimoreThe latest addition to the PLASA Focus regional event series is hailed a success, providing over 600 attendees with access to the latest entertainment technology and an impressive line-up of seminars delivered by industry experts. PLASA Focus: Baltimore was held May 8 - 9 at the Reitz Arena, Loyola University. Exhibitors have been speaking enthusiastically about the quality and number of people they saw at their booths. Frank Brault, industry product specialist at Nemetschek Vectorworks comments: "We met with all of the regional contacts we were hoping to connect with. It's been a fantastic show!" Phil Ion, director of CORE Lighting, adds: "We saw a wide variety of interested customers from a much wider geographical area than we expected, and all quality leads. It's been well worth exhibiting." The relaxed environment PLASA Focus shows are renowned for, providing attendees with an ideal setting to network and do business in, was maintained in Baltimore. "It has been a great opportunity to share our new products with dealers and end users, and I was also able to widen my professional network," comments Rob Signom, technical director at Rosco. David Venus, marketing director at PixelFlex adds: "PLASA Focus is a great format to connect and engage with potential clients on a more personal level. We will definitely be back to exhibit in the future." A number of new products were on display, including ETC's Source Four LED Series 2 Lustr; Yamaha's QL1 and QL5 digital mixing consoles; Philips Strand Lighting's Neo lighting console; Elation Professional's Platinum Spot 35 Pro and Platinum Profile 35 Pro; Clay Paky's B-Eye K20; MA Lighting's grandMA2 control system and grandMA2 onPC Command Wing; High End Systems' Shapeshifter LED moving head; GLP's impression X4S and Volkslicht Spot; and the latest additions to Robe Lighting's Robin Series. The Professional Development Program was a big hit, packing out rooms to see names such as renowned lighting designer Richard Pilbrow and award-winning scenic designer Moe Conn. Exhibitor sessions included a presentation on ETC's approach to LEDs from Tom Littrell; a look at the acoustic signal path between the loudspeaker and listeners' ears from d&b audiotechnik; and an introduction to Avolites' Titan software. Christopher Toulmin, director of PLASA Events, comments: "The PLASA Focus series of events is going from strength to strength. While each new location presents its challenges in terms of audience awareness, the idea and excellent business proposition is now well understood and embraced by the industry, as demonstrated by the strong exhibitor support we enjoy at each show." Organizer PLASA Events has confirmed that a substantial number of exhibitors have already signed up for the next instalment of the PLASA Focus series, taking place in Austin, Texas, on September 9 - 10, 2014, at the Palmer Events Center. PLASA Members, Focus series exhibitors, and regional dealers all benefit from substantial discounts on exhibition space. All events and seminars are free for visitors to attend. Free visitor registration for PLASA Focus: Austin 2014 is open now at 