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Pangolin Laser Systems Joins GDTF: New Fixture Profiles Available

Pangolin Laser Systems announces that it has officially joined GDTF, a file format used to describe devices in the entertainment industry. GDTF stands for "General Device Type Format." It is a standardized file format specifically for describing devices used in the entertainment industry. Whether it's lighting fixtures, video equipment, pyrotechnics, or lasers, GDTF provides a consistent, structured way to define their properties.

Each GDTF profile includes essential details about the fixture, such as DMX channel assignments, dimensions, color parameters, and effects. This information streamlines the setup process and eliminates guesswork. When laser programmers encounter a new fixture, they can confidently predict how it will respond to specific commands, meaning no more surprises during production.

It simplifies fixture integration by providing a standardized way to describe lighting, video, pyro, and laser fixtures. It ensures compatibility across various software platforms, making it easier for designers, programmers, and operators to work seamlessly with different fixtures.

Benefits for clients include:
• Consistency: GDTF profiles ensure consistent behavior across different control software, reducing guesswork during programming.
• Efficiency: With predefined parameters, laser programmers save time manually configuring fixtures.
• Accuracy: Detailed information about DMX channels, layout, and functionality ensures precise control over laser parameters like color mixing, beam shape, and movement.

Pangolin has profiles available for all of its products that are controllable from a console, including FB3, FB4, QuickShow, and BEYOND. To access the latest profiles and layout charts, visit the Download Center on the Pangolin Wiki. They can also be found on the official GDTF Share website.

The Pangolin extends thanks to SJ Lighting's Stephen Lieberman for helping build the profile and to Moritz Briegel from Lasertechnix for assisting in testing and providing feedback.



(26 June 2024)

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