OverTone Over the Top with Yamaha LS9 Digital Audio Console OverTone, a group of seven young a cappella performers from South Africa, recently finished a two-month stint at The Wynn Las Vegas. James "Jimbo" Oneal, independent front of house engineer, was hired by Rhino Sound, of Las Vegas, to man a Yamaha LS9-16, owned by The Wynn and purchased specifically for the OverTone shows. The band played 15 short performances per day, six days a week in various locations throughout the resort. "We were moving from location to location within the resort complex so the fact that the Yamaha LS9 is rack-mountable and has 16 aux sends, made it very convenient for use with this show," says Oneal. "I had seven in-ear monitor mixes and used four EFX sends with two main mixes: one analog and one digital. For some of The Wynn locations, we needed an Ethernet input while some required an XLR input. We tapped into the in-house ceiling speaker system primarily used for background music, and I would call in on a radio to the house audio crew, who switched the house speakers over to me for our shows." Oneal said he recorded every show as a two-track out with the LS9's on-board recorder using the console's USB port.