ArcSystem Is In the House"House to half. House out." Each night, these words are uttered in performance venues around the globe, marking the moment when an audience is transported into the world onstage. This crucial transition must be seamless, effortless and smooth; a flicker of the lights would ruin the magic. For years, LED technology has been making energy-saving inroads in all sorts of applications, yet successful implementation in houselighting has been largely elusive, due to the difficulty in smoothly dimming LED luminaires. Now, thanks to a new partnership, ETC and GDS announce the North American rollout of ArcSystem, a family of LED solutions specifically designed with the needs of theaters in mind. Most LED luminaires are developed for architectural installations where presets and switches are the order of the day, and smooth dimming is simply not a top priority. ArcSystem, on the other hand, offers stepless dimming from 100 percent to absolute zero while maintaining the high quality of light expected in a venue dedicated to the arts. ArcSystem luminaires are varied and versatile. The Pro One-Cell line includes recessed and surface-mount luminaires in a variety of beam angles, color temperatures of 2,700K and 3,000K, and a CRI of 90+. The Pro Multi-Cell luminaires include linear form factors that fit easily between beams and ceiling panels and larger arrays that are perfect for high ceilings and wider throws. The Pro Four-Cell Pendant offers the same optics in a compact, round form. For chandeliers and sconces, the LED ArcLamp, is available in clear and frosted, with globe and candle varieties, and dedicated drivers that can support up to 120 lamps. The benefits of going green are universal. In venues like theatres, houses of worship, museums, concert halls, schools and lobbies, the high cost of maintenance can take its toll. Public spaces often boast grand architecture -- lofty ceilings, high beams, chandeliers, and balconies -- and the constant replacement of burnt-out lamps can prove costly. Thankfully, ArcSystem luminaires are built to last. The ArcLamp is rated for 50,000 hours of continuous use, eliminating the need for expensive maintenance calls to replace hard-to-reach lamps in chandeliers, ceiling lights, and sconces. Pro One-Cell and Pro Multi-Cell luminaires boast robust housings and convection-cooling, extending the life of the user's LEDs and ensuring that the venue will be saving money on lamps and electric bills for many years to come. The prospect of changing to a new lighting system can be daunting, but ArcSystem makes installation easy for new construction and retrofits alike. All ArcSystem luminaires and drivers can be connected to existing DMX control networks or to ArcMesh, a wireless protocol that allows for dimming and control without the need for invasive rewiring. With ArcSystem, even your historic chandelier is LED-compatible. Simply replace the incandescent lamps with ArcLamps and use the existing wiring to connect to the ArcLamp Driver, which can be located in the ceiling or in a dimmer room. It turns out that being green is pretty easy after all. Want to extend the LED advantage backstage? BluesSystem is the complement to ArcSystem, offering a range of compact, low-voltage LED luminaires designed for back-of-house illumination. The dimmable blue LEDs provide running light during shows, while custom eyelid and cowl accessories prevent unwanted light from spilling onto the stage. The omnidirectional BlueDomes can be mounted on walls or conduit boxes to illuminate walkways and catwalks, while BlueBeams can provide directional downlight in crossover hallways and fly rails. With BluesSystem, the user can be sure that scene transitions and dimming will both run smoothly. 