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TMB's Solaris Flare IP Illuminates Landmark Vulcan Statue in Alabama

Vulcan statue overlooking Birmingham, Alabama

The largest cast iron statue in the world shines brightly over Birmingham, Alabama, thanks to lighting design by Schuler Shook and lighting design revisions, control system design, and programming by Marc Brickman and Tactical Manoeuvre, Inc. It's been said that the essence of every picture is the frame. Likewise, the essence of the 56' Vulcan statue overlooking the city is the 124' pedestal on which it stands, highlighted and enhanced with seven Solaris Flare IP HR dual-head outdoor fixtures.

Lighting for the project was provided by 4Wall Nashville. "The Flare IPs have an incredible amount of firepower and are killer bright," says 4Wall account executive, Damon Herbert. "We used the dual-head version of the Flare IP outdoor lights, with narrow 8-degree lenses for maximum throw."

Herbert adds, "At night, the statue can be seen for miles and Tactical Manoeuvre's programming is exquisite. Over two years in development, the clients are extremely happy with the results. Flares make us look good." Find out more about 4Wall Entertainment at www.4wall.com.

Schuler Shook worked with the Kiwanis Club of Birmingham to develop concepts for re-energizing Vulcan's presence over Birmingham through a dynamic use of light. The statue's inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places led the team to design fixture mounting locations concealed around the base of the pedestal and on tall poles strategically placed around the park.

Tactical Manoeuvre (TactMan) was brought on to the Vulcan project toward the end of the design and construction process. After viewing the proposals for programming services from several other companies, Wayne Gillis of the Birmingham Kiwanis Club saw a video of a light-to-music show at the Empire State Building. He knew that was the kind of show needed for Vulcan and the people of Birmingham.

Elisha Griego of TactMan explains, "Upon receiving Wayne's call, Marc Brickman and the team got to work. We made some adjustments to the original lighting design to leverage newly available options, including the addition of seven dual-head Flare IP fixtures to supplement the previously specified fixtures. With a 124' tall base and a 56' statue on top of that, we needed serious firepower to get enough light from ground-mounted fixtures to give Vulcan a major presence on the Birmingham skyline, and the Flares were the perfect fit. The Flares also had the correct lensing for the job, and TMB worked with us and the general contractor to create custom glare shields."

Griego adds, "TactMan also introduced an innovative, first-of-its-kind proprietary scheduler. Operated from an off-the-shelf iPad, the scheduler allows Vulcan Park staff to schedule lighting events without knowing a thing about lighting programming. These control systems serve as the basis for TactMan's proprietary audio sync app, soon allowing viewers to hear the audio for a light show latency-free, anywhere they have a line of site to the Vulcan statue."

Key personnel with Tactical Manoeuvre, Inc. include Marc Brickman, Elisha Griego, Tom Huston, Dietrich Juengling, Lindsay Scoggins, and Ian Shelanskey. Find out more about Tactical Manoeuvre at www.tactman.com.

The general contractor was Brasfield & Gorrie, one of the nation's largest privately held construction firms, headquartered in Birmingham. Schuler Shook of Chicago was the project's lighting designer. Continued funding is from donations by the Kiwanis Club of Birmingham. Access more information about Vulcan Park and Museum at www.visitvulcan.com. TMB is the exclusive distributor for Flare IP fixtures. Learn about other exciting and innovative TMB products at the URL below.


(18 May 2020)

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