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X-Laser to Unveil "Project Mercury" at LDI 2017

Deep in a laboratory on the outskirts of Washington, DC, the X-Laser team has recently completed "Project Mercury" -- a product that the company says "will change the course of laser history." X-Laser last week released photographs of documents showing branding and text related to something named "Mercury," but many parts of the document had been redacted. Now, the company has revealed that "Project Mercury" signifies X-Laser's proprietary system for controlling laser projectors directly from a lighting console.

"X-Laser has always been about one thing: bringing lasers to as many people as possible," Adam Raugh, X-Laser's president, said. "Using input from our clients, we've worked since 2015 to solve a core problem within the lighting industry, that lasers are difficult to integrate into lighting rigs. With Mercury, lighting designers can program a laser projector just like they would program any other moving-head fixture."

Mercury-equipped laser fixtures can be discovered, profiled, configured, and programmed directly from the lighting console. By leveraging the powerful tools already built into today's lighting desks, lighting designers can control an array of lasers just like how they'd control an array of moving-head fixtures. For maximum functionality and compatibility, Mercury features DMX+RDM and Art-Net protocols, and will feature sACN (E1.31/E1.33) in the future.

The live debut of Mercury will occur at booth 2285 at LDI, which runs Friday, November 17 through Sunday, November 19 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. More information is available at the URL below, where there is a link to request a hands-on demo at LDI, to fully experience what "Project Mercury" has yielded.



(9 November 2017)

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