VUE h-8 Brings Unprecedented Performance Down to SizeVUE Audiotechnik unveils the latest addition to its flagship h-Class family. The compact h-8 benefits from the same advanced technologies developed for the larger h-12 and h-15 systems. It combines these technologies into a compact and versatile design that the company says ideal for applications where space is at a premium and exceptional performance is critical. "The h-8 is born out of our 'No Compromises' design philosophy," explained VUE CEO Ken Berger. "We literally re-examined everything from transducers, electronics and DSP, all the way to mechanical deployment and remote management capabilities. It's a comprehensive approach that can only be done when you start with a clean slate, and leverage the most advanced technologies available. The net result is an exceptionally capable combination of size and versatility." Inside, the h-8 combines a precision-engineered 8" transducer with a neodymium compression driver that's capable of high frequency performance thanks to the Truextent beryllium diaphragm at its core. From there, powerful onboard electronics include a sophisticated DSP that's programmed to address every individual element within the h-8's ecosystem. Dual-channel, high-efficiency amplifiers deliver ample power for both transducers while eliminating the need for noisy cooling fans. Powerful SystemVUE networking technology is standard in the h-8. With SystemVUE, the user can easily connect one or multiple h-8's with any VUE DSP-enabled system via a wired or wireless Ethernet connection to a Windows or Macintosh computer. Once connected, SystemVUE software provides access to a broad selection of network and device-level control and monitoring functions. The h-8's drivers and electronics are housed in a robust birch enclosure that includes M10 rigging points and an integrated pole-mount for both portable and fixed installation applications. The distinctive h-Class grill and handle surrounds receive a durable two-part finish that lays a coat of transparent candy-apple red over a black base for a deep hue that's uniquely VUE. The signature h-Class look is completed with a heavy aluminum rear panel that features a machined "VUE" logo integrated into the heat sinks. "The h-8 delivers a much better balance of output, clarity, and frequency response than any other loudspeaker in its category," concluded VUE Audiotechnik's EVP Jim Sides. "We're extremely excited to offer customers a true high-performance alternative for applications such as theaters, houses of worship, or anyplace where space and sight lines are critical."