WorxAudio Loudspeakers Help Crosswalk Church Deliver the MessageCrosswalk Church is a non-denominational house of worship that assumes an active role in the community by offering help and support to all who seek true spiritual growth located in Wytheville, Virginia. In order to ensure that its message is delivered clearly throughout the sanctuary, the church recently elected to upgrade its sound reinforcement capabilities. After considering a broad range of options, the decision was made to deploy line array technology from the TrueLine catalog of WorxAudio Technologies, a division of PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. Nipper Sound of Draper, Virginia, a design / build firm that serves the worship, live sound, and commercial hospitality markets, was contracted to handle Crosswalk Church's facility upgrade. Nipper Sound sales engineer Kevin Viars and company president Jason L. Nipper, who handles system design and support services, coordinated the project. Nipper discussed the Crosswalk Church installation and his decision to deploy the WorxAudio TrueLine X2 all-in-one compact line array and two TL218SS high SPL sub bass loudspeaker enclosures. "Crosswalk Church is located in the old historic Millwald Theater, which dates back to the early 1900s," Nipper explained. "When the theater was converted to a worship space, the challenge was to provide clear, even coverage across the entire room from a single, compact loudspeaker enclosure so as not to disrupt the architectural aesthetics of the room. The church's services are contemporary; so sound reproduction was considered vital to the worship experience. Church management wanted to ensure that speech intelligibility would be clear and natural sounding. After all, if the congregation can't understand what's being said, the message is lost. Similarly, the system had to do a good job with music reproduction." The WorxAudio X2 is a self-powered, two-way, high-efficiency loudspeaker system that incorporates two modules, each with a medium format, 1" exit compression driver paired with dual 8" cone transducers. With its broad, 160-degree horizontal dispersion pattern and a vertical throw of 30 degrees, the X2 quickly became the obvious loudspeaker choice to address these requirements. "The X2 really was the perfect fit," Nipper reports. "We flew the line array over the front, center edge of the stage area. Then, to provide the X2 with plenty of low frequency support for music reproduction, we added two of WorxAudio's top-of-the-line TL218SS subwoofers. These were deployed on the floor at the left and right edges of the stage. Visually, the setup is very low profile while providing a big, clear, natural sound throughout the sanctuary." With any sizeable sound reinforcement project, it's not uncommon for questions to arise. Hence, quality support is crucial. Nipper shared his experience with WorxAudio, "WorxAudio quality goes well beyond the performance of the product itself. In my experience, the company provides the best manufacturing support I have encountered. When questions arise -- as they inevitably do -- I know they'll get me the information I need quickly." The Crosswalk Church project commenced in early January 2016 and was placed into service in mid-February. Since that time, Nipper reports that Crosswalk pastor Robbie Patton is very pleased with the system's performance. "I've received numerous compliments," he says. "With the combination of the WorxAudio X2 line array and the two TL218SS subwoofers, both music and dialog are clear and natural sounding. Everyone says they can hear clearly, no matter where they happen to be seated. Because of this, the congregation is more engaged than ever. It's been a really positive experience for everyone." To learn more about Nipper Sound, visit www.nippersound.com. For information about Crosswalk Church, go to www.crosswalkchurchonline.com. 