dBTechnologies an Easy Choice for Sight & Sound Productions Ease of setup. Ease of operation. Jon Davis' company, Sight & Sound Productions, produces events ranging from small rental parties to large corporate meetings, and even full-scale concerts. When he decided it was time to phase out some of the older systems that Sight & Sound Productions was using, Davis focused on those two key factors: ease of use, and ease of operation. "Older rigs require science, and there's no give and take in the system. If I have six audio engineers and they have all been trained on one system, they can help each other out and make suggestions to one another. There's a better response when everyone knows the system," says Davis. In order to modernize and focus on efficiency and practicality, without sacrificing quality, Davis chose dBTechnologies. Last year Sight & Sound productions invested in a large DVA T8 rig, and has since been able to use it in a plethora of applications including corporate events, national sales meetings and awards shows. The system is equipped with a RDNET port which allows the system to be controlled and monitored remotely in real-time through the use of dBTechnologies software. "The sound is phenomenal, it's easy to set up and operate because it is all self contained. The whole system is incredibly time efficient as well. When we first bought it, it worked right out of the box!" After investing in DVA, Davis also purchased an ES system for smaller functions, citing its aesthetic appeal and sound quality as key factors in the purchase. "I'm very loyal to a brand, so when I find a product that I like, I invest in that product. The ES system is nice and slender, easy to set up and it doesn't take away from an elegant room," Davis commented. 