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backup Announces BikeFest 2019

May 18th will see backup's first event of 2019, the inaugural Bike-Fest, pedal off around the Surrey and Sussex hills for a day of two wheeled action and fun for all levels of rider to raise funds for the industry's favorite charity.

For the more hardened cyclists, including the lycra-loving "Mamil" (Middle aged man in lycra), organizers have a glorious 100km ride through the Sussex and Surrey countryside, which will take in much of the famed Olympic and Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 route, including Leith Hill, the highest point in Surrey, and the famous Box Hill Zig Zag.

Whether the rider is riding as an individual, with friends, or as a company Peloton, this will be a great day out to sport the finest padded shorts, have an excuse to shave those legs, and pack as many bananas in the cycling top as possible.

For the less lycra inclined, the organizers are also running a 50km route, again taking in much of the lovely Surrey countryside, but also a number of isotonic watering holes en route for participants to recharge their batteries.

The day starts and finishes at Creative Technology's Sussex headquarters, as the company is handing over the keys to its offices and generously supporting the first Bike-Fest. Here, participants will be given their route and meet the other riders. Then, the amazing catering partners, the Global Infusion Group will fill riders with bacon sandwiches before they leave and upon their triumphant return, fill everyone up with more food and drinks, then onto the prizes and the winner of celebrated backup winners "yellow" jersey!

Everyone is welcome for what is set to be a great day for the enthusiast and leisure cyclist alike and for everyone to enjoy the fun with family and friends.

Sign up at www.backuptech.uk/event/bike-fest-2019/


(12 March 2019)

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