Elation Platinum Profile 35 Pro for Evita at Cape Rep Theatre on Cape CodLighting designer Herrick Goldman recently designed Evita at the Cape Rep Theatre on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and turned to Elation Professional's Platinum Profile 35 Pro moving head light to create the compelling mood lighting. Herrick and his associate Susan Nicholson designed both the lighting and the projections for the critically acclaimed production, which is directed by William Roudebush with scenery by James Dardenne. Using four Elation Platinum Profile 35 Pro fixtures among a plot of LED lights and conventional sources, it was Goldman's task to carve out a black and white world that was later colorized by the presence and strength of will of Eva Peron, in stark contrast to the character of Che and the various political elements that she was constantly beset by. Goldman relied heavily on the Elation fixtures to define areas of the relatively small stage and make the world of the show seem larger than it was. "The shutters on the 35 Pro were an excellent tool to evoke the mood and isolation of various characters," Goldman stated of the 800W luminaire that includes a 8- to 50-degree motorized zoom and rotating four-blade framing system. "The broad zoom angles were able to light half the stage from a very short throw." Housing a CMY color mixing system with variable CTO and a variety of graphics from two gobo wheels, as well as an animation effect, the Platinum Profile 35 Pro is capable of rendering a host of moods and atmosphere. Goldman states, "A few of the textures worked very well for this period piece to add decor to Magaldi's Tango and an 'offstage' feel to the moment that Peron and Eva first lay eyes on each other." The lighting designer says that what drew him to the Platinum 35 Pro were the aforementioned framing shutters, the "cool base tonality" of the discharge lamp, and the overall quietness of the fixture, which in a small theater is very important. He also says that "the subtle color tonality we were able to achieve was quite good relative to other fixtures on the market." What was equally impressive, he says, was the light diffusion, which "helped to blend and tone the acting areas without making it look like a big spot was focused on the performers." The Platinum Profile 35 Pro fixtures are hung with one directly upstage center to cast a shallow dramatic backlight; one downstage center for a dramatic high side to left and right areas; and one each downstage left and right for a lower angle side light and for scenic washes. "The fixtures worked very well. As may be obvious, it's pretty hot on Cape Cod in the summer and blackouts and brown outs are not unheard of. Tech rehearsal saw at least two of these, but the fixtures came right back up and re-homed with no issues." This was Goldman's first time using the Platinum Profile 35 Pro although he has installed other Elation equipment in Madame Tussauds NYC and Las Vegas and, he says, "is familiar with the quality of the Elation product line." The Cape Rep Theatre production of Evita ran thru August 29. More of Herrick's design work may be seen at www.HGLightingDesign.com. 