A.C. Lighting Inc. Hires Marketing Project ManagerA.C. Lighting Inc., distributor of lighting, rigging, and video technologies, appoints Kyla Werrett to fill the newly created role of marketing project manager. Werrett brings with her over 15 years of marketing experience and comes to A.C. Lighting Inc. from TOA Canada Corporation, a commercial audio and intercom manufacturer, where she held the role of marketing coordinator. She has experience developing brands via, product launches, website and social media, as well as marketing collateral materials and direct marketing channels. Werrett also has experience with strategic planning, including the marketing department, all advertising campaigns, training initiatives, and related marketing projects. Prior to TOA, Werrett was marketing coordinator for Winter's Instruments. Werrett will be responsible for the implementation of A.C. Lighting's North American marketing strategy, plans, and programs. She will be working on developing North American presence via publications, trade show (event) development and implementation, and developing strategic marketing plans to achieve corporate objectives. 