Miami Dolphins Warm Up to Adrenaline-Pumping Bass with a Danley BC412 Subwoofer Hard Rock Stadium is home to the Miami Dolphins football team, and local provider Obvious Choice AV & Lighting of Hollywood, Florida is contracted to handle all pre- and post-game audio/video needs. The team warms up to high-volume hip-hop that plays from the stadium's roof-mounted full-range sound system, but the throw all the way down to the field leaves the low-end lacking. Obvious Choice staff remedied the situation with a Danley Sound Labs BC412 subwoofer that they roll out into the corner of the field for warm-ups and roll back off at game time. The players are into it, the coaches are satisfied, and everyone involved simply can't get over how much bass emerges from the 4' x 4' x 1.5' BC412, the company says. "Hip-hop needs some real low end and the team came to me to see if there was some way I could get more of that on the field for pre-game warm-ups," explains Bryan Alers, Obvious Choice CEO. "Rather than mess around with some kind of plan that they would need to evaluate and approve, I just brought a Danley BC412 on the next game day and put it in the corner near where the Dolphins enter and exit the field. It really filled the entire half of the field the Dolphins use with the kind of bass they were hoping for and made the 'approval' a no-brainer. They just asked me to make that happen every time." Alers brought a Danley BC412, which Danley has been building for many years now, but its advantages are often overshadowed by the significantly beefier Danley BC415. Nevertheless, the BC412 is an eminently respectable subwoofer that comes in at a lower price point and lower weight than the BC415, the company says. "Like I tell everyone," Alers states, "Danley subwoofers are second to none. We're able to get the Danley BC412 onto the field quickly and then back off again in just two or three minutes. Its integrated dolly system is great. No one on the Dolphins coaching staff can get over how much bass it puts out. At first, they stopped whatever they were doing, walked over to us, and asked if all the bass they were feeling was coming from that relatively small box. They were amazed to learn that it was, and they continue to be amazed. At every game, we get staff and players walking past the sub and then looking over at us -- they shake their heads like, 'I can't believe it!'" 