Robe Supports Yaron Abulafia's Book Launch at The Royal Opera HouseRobe continued its support of lighting designer Yaron Abulafia's authoritative book, The Art of Light on Stage - Lighting in Contemporary Theatre published by Routledge, with a UK launch at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London. Around 100 people rocked up to the event which took place in the foyer space of the Linbury Studio Theatre at the Royal Opera House, preceding the evening's three provocative performances staged by the Leeds-based Phoenix Dance Theatre, which were lit by Abulafia. Abulafia was delighted with the turnout and interest in the book, which received its world premiere at the 2015 Prague Quadrennial in June, also supported by Robe. The book presentation followed a similar format to that of the PQ, with a three-way conversation between Abulafia and Nick Moran, senior lecturer in lighting for live performance, BA theatre practice course team at London's Central School of Speech & Drama. This time around they were joined by Sharon Watson, artistic director of the Phoenix Dance Theatre. They discussed the bodily (neural) experience one has while watching lighting in live performance and the more conceptual thinking about light in action, touching on many hot topics like how lighting can assist in reaching out to audiences and engaging emotional responses. This was followed by a Q&A with Abulafia and the audience. Robe also took the opportunity to launch its own new theatre publication Cast For Perfection a coffee table book highlighting some recent challenging and interesting theatrical and performance based projects where Robe products have provided solutions -- from the Israeli Opera at Masada to supplying all the state run theatres in Estonia. Immediately before the Art of Light On Stage book launch took place, Robe's technical presentation team conducted some one-to-one demos for specially invited guests. They also provided additional lighting for the launch event with the new DL7S luminaire, which is built for theatre environments. Abulafia is currently in the midst of an extremely busy work schedule with three world premieres in different countries all in a two week period as well as another five Art of Light On Stage book launches before Christmas. For the Tel Aviv launch scheduled for the first week of December support will be provided by Robe's Israeli distributor, Danor Theatre & Studio Systems. 