ETC's iRFR and aRFR Apps Reach a Quarter of a Million Dollars in Donations to Behind the ScenesAt USITT in Salt Lake City, Fred Foster, CEO of ETC, presented a check for $19,259.35 to Behind the Scenes, which reflected ongoing proceeds from sales of ETC's iRFR and aRFR (Radio Focus Remote) applications for iOS and Android devices. This amount brought the total donated from the apps to just over a quarter of a million dollars, a number that overwhelms everyone involved. When first launched, it was unimaginable that these apps, developed by ETC software engineers Chris Mizerak and Anders Ekvall, would bring so much help and hope to our colleagues in need. Upon presenting the check, Foster says, "We're once again humbled by our customers' generosity. As we celebrate ETC's 40th anniversary and reflect on our history, we continue to be proud of the impact that the funds from the iRFR and aRFR sales have made over the years in the lives of those supported by BTS. We're honored to be part of this supportive family of professionals." Rick Rudolph, chair of the Behind the Scenes Foundation, says, "ETC has had a tremendous impact on the charity both with its financial support and helping to spread the Behind the Scenes message. On behalf of past and future grant recipients, 'Thank you ETC'." Behind the Scenes provides entertainment technology industry members who are ill or injured with grants that may be used for basic living and medical expenses. For more information about Behind the Scenes, to donate, or to apply for a grant, visit For information about becoming a Pledge-a-Product Partner email 