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Rapid Reaction to Robe Pointe

React Audiovisueel's Tjerry van Merckenstein, lighting engineer; Jeroen van Aalst, Controllux, sales; Joris Priester, warehouse manager; Jelle Steijnen, all round "chef du technique;" Pieter Vink, audio engineer; and Sam Swaan, account manager.

Haarlem, Netherlands-based technical solutions provider React Audiovisueel has made its latest investment in Robe moving lights in style, with the addition of 24 new Pointe fixtures and 12 MMX Spots.

The company is headed by Jelle Steijnen and Bart Steenman, two young entrepreneurs who met while attending college in The Hague when they were both also working as mobile DJs.

Steijnen additionally worked as an AV engineer to help finance his studies in astro physics making numerous industry contacts in the process, most of whom he's still in touch with. Steenman took an industrial design degree -- and the two of them also managed to fit in time to launch React Audiovisueel in 1998.

The company says React AV is known for its fast, friendly, and efficient service and for having high quality equipment and excellent crew. The company works across all sectors from corporate events and presentations to trance and beach parties, ensuring a nice mix of interesting projects.

React also like to be first when it comes to having new technology on-board and the company says React was the first in The Netherlands to purchase Robe's Robin series when it was launched in 2009. Before that, their first Robe products were bought in 2005, so they are well acquainted with the brand.

The Robe stock, up until this latest Pointe and MMX investment, included 16 Robin 300E Spots, 16 Robin 300E Beams, and 36 LEDBeam 100s -- now their inventory of Robe Robin moving lights tops 100 -- with more in the pipeline.

"In the Robin series, Robe took a new highly innovative path and produced several properly different products, and it was also obvious that they had a clear and defined strategy for future development of this series," comments Steijnen. "Imagination and creativity like this are a breath of fresh air!"

He initially saw the Pointe at Prolight + Sound, Frankfurt earlier this year, where it was launched. Robe's Benelux distributor Controllux then followed up with a demo at React's facility.

"You can see that much effort has been spent on making The Pointe really different to any other fixture," he affirms. Steijnen likes the fact that the Pointe is a complete and very versatile product which can be used really effectively for any number of different functions. It's "very cool and great for impressing clients," he adds.

On the MMX, Steijnen thinks the dual graphics wheel is impressive together with the brightness and the projection capabilities. "It's a great workhorse fixture," he says. React's MMXs are constantly working.

Steijnen feels very safe in investing in Robe products and knowing that he can also develop new clients based around having Robe in the hire stock. "Robe is recognized as a brand of real quality and invention," he confirms. "And that's where we want to be."

React has a close working relationship with Aalsmeer-based rental company Eventec -- who also have Pointes, LEDWash 300s, and MMX WashBeams. These and React's fixtures are frequently cross rented in both directions.

See Robe at PLASA Focus: Austin, September 10-11.


(20 August 2013)

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