Radio Active Designs Debuts CP-1V VHF AntennaThe new CP-1V Circular Polarized Antenna from Radio Active Designs is a leap forward in RF technology that provides end users with a compact (18" square) antenna that covers the entire VHF wireless microphone band of 174MHz - 216MHz. The RF power handling of the CP-1V (5W) handles multi-transmitter systems including VHF in-ear monitor systems or a combined IFB system. Its rugged, weather-resistance construction makes it suitable for outdoor use. "In performance tests, the CP-1V antenna exhibited fewer dropouts and greater overall range compared to an LPDA (log-periodic dipole array) antenna," explains James Stoffo, CFO, Radio Active Designs. "We are going to begin to see more and more VHF systems in use as the TV repack begins to impact production sites. The CP-1V is a real problem-solver."