ETCP Launches Handbook Cover ContestThe Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) will be celebrating its 15th year in 2020, and to celebrate, we would like to launch a new cover for each handbook. We are asking ETCP certified technicians to show us how they see art in what they do every day. We encourage artistic interpretation and are looking for something fresh. Only digital Images may be submitted: photos, graphics, illustrations, renderings, and other artistic mediums will be considered. Only ETCP certified technicians may enter the contest. ETCP has selected a special committee to serve as judges: Rocky Paulson, former ETCP subject matter expert; Dennis Dorn, author and professor emeritus UW-Madison; Wendy Holt, formerly with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers; Lori Rubinstein, executive director of the Behind the Scenes Foundation; and Robert Mendoza, graphic and web designer for ESTA. Great images should focus directly on the handbook's discipline and should not feature any identifiable person. We are looking for art shots to give us a fresh new look. Images should be submitted to ETCP: http://esta.org/upload/etcpcontest2019.php. Certified technicians may submit one photo per handbook category (Rigging -- Arena and Theatre and/or Entertainment Electrician/PPDT). Once the two finalists for each handbook are chosen by the committee, they will go before a popular vote going to ETCP certificants and those who have the link to vote on social media. Images to receive the most votes will be considered the winner. The winning images will be inserted into the design of the new handbooks. A photo credit with a short bio will be included in the reprints of the handbooks. Each of the two winners will also receive a $100 gift certificate for ETCP Personalized SWAG. ETCP will issue a press release announcing the winners. 
